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Dates: Saturday, January 21st - Sunday, January 22nd, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Class: Sound Therapy and Color Therapy CEU's: 16 Price: $375 Location: Gwinnett College - SANDY SPRINGS, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Lynn Waldrop, Sound, Color, and Light for Life: Lynn has been doing energy work for 20 years. She has been a Reiki Master, Color Therapist, and Energy Therapist for 16 years and in 2010 opened her own Healing Center in Acworth, Georgia. She is a licensed practitioner in the Pastoral Medical Association, a member of the International Sound Therapy Association, the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, and the Association of Professional Women. Color Light Therapy has been around since the Egyptians and the Greeks who had healing light temples for people to use colors with the sunlight to heal their bodies. BE HEALTHY WITH LIGHT! Learn how to bring down your child's fever, say good-bye to depression, fight sinus or respiratory issues or the flue, constipation, insomnia, and MORE! Light filters will be available for purchase at the seminar. Kits range from $55 to $100 depending on the kit purchased. For more about Lynn, Click Here. |
Dates: Monday, February 13, 2012 Times: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Class: Access Consciousness BARS CEU's: 8 Price: $200 Location: Gwinnett College - SANDY SPRINGS, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Lynn Waldrop - Access Consciousness BARS There are 32 bars of
energy that run through
and around your head. For more about Lynn, Click Here. |
Dates: Saturday, February 18th- Sunday, February 19th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Upper Body CEU's: 12 Price: $165 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy- Upper Body This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Golfer's/Tennis Elbow, Piriformis Syndrome, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20! |
Dates: Tuesday, February 21st Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 1 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 2 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: March 25th Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Plug-in CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Deep Tissue Massage “Plug-In”: A Technique Tool-Box* (DT2) – 6 Hours by Ted Schulte
Basic Deep Tissue Massage techniques only get you so far in obtaining the results needed for effective and qualitative result oriented sessions. In this course, the participants will learn techniques they can have as tools in their “technique tool box” that will further the desired results, leaving a much more satisfied client. Ted Schulte taught
at Rising Spirit Institute
for more than 10 years.
He was instrumental
in developing their
Swedish/Deep Tissue
program as well as developing
some of their instructors
from some of his students.
He was their first recipient
of the “Excellence in
Massage Therapy Education”
award in 2000. He has
a passion for helping
people and has a successful
massage practice, in
two locations, in Marietta,
Dates: Monday, April 2, 2012 8:30AM -5:30PM Class: Indian Head, Face and Foot Massage with Ayurvedic Oils CEU's: 8 (also approved for acupuncturists) Price: $100 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
back the “Wow” in your
therapy ! by Wolfgang Luckmann
Acupuncture Physician,
Licensed Massage Therapist,
Homeopath A.P. , L.M.T.
ma - 19842 Fl, Dip.
Dates: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 3 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Reiki First and Second Degree: Saturday, April 14th - April 15th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 6:00pm Class: Reiki levels 1 & 2 FIRST DEGREE AND SECOND DEGREE MAY BE TAKEN SEPARATELY CEU's: 16 (or 8 hours per level) Price:$375 ($190 for a single day) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Lynn Waldrop- Reiki Course Descriptions: First Degree (Shoden) – Is the first step toward being an instrument of healing for yourself and others. After you are attuned to the healing power of Reiki, you can use the Divinely-guided Life Force Energy to effect a positive change in all aspects of your life. Use Reiki daily, on yourself and others, your plants, pets, the food you eat, and even your automobile. Discover the unlimited power of Reiki. In this course, you will receive the sacred attunements and both the cognitive and practical application skills commensurate with the First-Degree of the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing. Second Degree (Okuden) – Magnifies the power of Reiki. Here you will learn how to channel four times the amount of Reiki energy during a treatment. By bringing in more energy, you are able to effect a much more positive change more rapidly. Second-Degree includes special techniques for healing the mental and emotional bodies along with the physical body. You will also learn how to use Reiki from a distance, when you are unable to physically be present. In this course, you will receive the sacred attunements, both the cognitive and practical application skills and the sacred/esoteric symbols commensurate with the Second-Degree of the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing. For more about Lynn, Click Here. |
Dates: Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 1 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, April 21st - Sunday, April 22nd, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Body CEU's: 12 Price: $165 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Body This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Psuedo Sciatica, Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451292-10 CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20! |
Dates: April 22nd Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Add-on CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Deep Tissue Massage “Add-On”: An Advanced Set of Techniques* (DT3) – 6 Hours by Ted Schulte
PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/ CREAM FOR YOUR USE FOR THIS COURSE. Some physical conditions require a more comprehensive approach to treating the client’s body to get the healing the client is looking for. In this course, the participants will learn a set of techniques that will put the client’s body in positions that will allow greater access to areas that need treating. Ted Schulte taught at Rising Spirit Institute for more than 10 years. He was instrumental in developing their Swedish/Deep Tissue program as well as developing some of their instructors from some of his students. He was their first recipient of the “Excellence in Massage Therapy Education” award in 2000. He has a passion for helping people and has a successful massage practice, in two locations, in Marietta, GA. |
Dates: Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 2 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, May 19th and Sunday, May 20th, 2012 Class: Color Therapy and Sound Therapy These courses may be taken together or individually. CEU's: 16 hours total (8 hours per day) Price: $375 total ($190 for a single day) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 9:00AM - 6:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Lynn Waldrop, Sound, Color, and Light for Life: Color Therapy (8 hours): Color Light Therapy has been around since the Egyptians and the Greeks who had healing light temples for people to use colors with the sunlight to heal their bodies! Be healthy with Light! Learn how to bring down your child’s fever, say goodbye to depression, fight sinus or respiratory issues or the flu, constipation, insomnia AND MORE!!
Tuning forks that
will be used for class
can be purchased at
seminar. For more about Lynn, Click Here. |
Dates: May 20th Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Body Mechanics for Longevity CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Body Mechanics for Deep Tissue– A Refinement for Career Longevity (DT1) – 6 Hours by
Ted Schulte PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/ CREAM FOR YOUR USE FOR THIS COURSE. Deep Tissue Massage takes a toll on the length of a career as a Massage Therapist unless good and proper Body Mechanics are utilized during the course of the massage session. In this course, the participants will learn refinements in the body mechanics they have learned, as well as new ways of approaching the performance of their techniques for the more efficient delivery of the desired results. Ted Schulte taught
at Rising Spirit Institute
for more than 10 years.
He was instrumental
in developing their
Swedish/Deep Tissue
program as well as developing
some of their instructors
from some of his students.
He was their first recipient
of the “Excellence in
Massage Therapy Education”
award in 2000. He has
a passion for helping
people and has a successful
massage practice, in
two locations, in Marietta,
GA. |
Dates: Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 3 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday,June 9th through June 10th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class: Reiki levels 1 & 2 FIRST DEGREE AND SECOND DEGREE MAY BE TAKEN SEPARATELY CEU's: 16 (or 8 hours per level) Price:$375 ($190 for a single day) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Lynn Waldrop- Reiki Course Descriptions: First Degree (Shoden) – Is the first step toward being an instrument of healing for yourself and others. After you are attuned to the healing power of Reiki, you can use the Divinely-guided Life Force Energy to effect a positive change in all aspects of your life. Use Reiki daily, on yourself and others, your plants, pets, the food you eat, and even your automobile. Discover the unlimited power of Reiki. In this course, you will receive the sacred attunements and both the cognitive and practical application skills commensurate with the First-Degree of the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing. Second Degree (Okuden) – Magnifies the power of Reiki. Here you will learn how to channel four times the amount of Reiki energy during a treatment. By bringing in more energy, you are able to effect a much more positive change more rapidly. Second-Degree includes special techniques for healing the mental and emotional bodies along with the physical body. You will also learn how to use Reiki from a distance, when you are unable to physically be present. In this course, you will receive the sacred attunements, both the cognitive and practical application skills and the sacred/esoteric symbols commensurate with the Second-Degree of the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing. For more about Lynn, Click Here.
Dates: Monday, June 11th through Tuesday, June 12th Times: 9:00 am -4:00 pm Class: Seated Chair Massage CEU's: 12 Price:$189 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday REMINDER: CEU's are due by the end of October. There is an opportunity to apply for an extension with the massage board. This course is intended to help those looking for CEU classes during the extension period and for those simply interested in the material. |
Build Your Business using CHAIR MASSAGE Do you want to learn a style of Seated Massage that is easy on your body? How about a style that is therapeutic as well as relaxing to the client? This course teaches you how to do more in your session without making you work harder.
Carl Christie has been
doing Seated Massage
all over Atlanta since
1997. He was first taught
chair massage by David
Palmer – the “Father”
of chair massage, but
has since moved past
that early form to bring
you something much more
effective. He has combined
his knowledge as an
anatomy instructor with
his skills as a Neuromuscular
Therapy instructor to
develop a style of seated
massage that is quick,
effective and easy on
your body. This course includes the cost of the course manual. We carry and recommend Stronglite ErgoPro massage chairs. Price: $349 |
June 14th through June 17th, 2012 Class: Visceral Manipulation II CEU's: 24 Price: $795 Location: Gwinnett College - Lilburn, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Suite 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refund Policy: Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days prior to a class less a $100 processing fee. |
The Upledger Institute / The Barrall Pre-requisite Workshop(s): Experience with sensitive, light-touch palpation Advance Preparation: To prepare for the course, we suggest that you read Visceral Manipulation, and review the Study Material. Supplies: Attire: Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans.) A light sweater is recommended because temperature can be difficult to control. Also, you may want to bring a 2 piece bathing suite or jog bra and shorts for labs. You will receive a study guide upon sign-in on the first morning so please bring something to write with for taking notes. We will provide massage tables but please bring sheets each day. Due to the nature of the work, short fingernails are required. Times: Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of class. A continental breakfast will be served until 9:00 a.m., at which time the workshop will begin. Subsequent class hours are 9:00 a.m. to approximately 5:30 p.m. daily, and the last day will meet from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Class ending times are approximate, and may run late based on class participation. Cancellation/Refund
Dates: Saturday, June 16th - June 17th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sunday, 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm Class: Oh No! Not Another Chakra Energy Class CEU's: 12 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Bob Heath - 21st Degree Initiate of Tibetan Kala-Chakra, Ava-lokitesh-vara (taken from the Dalai Lama), Vajra Kaliya, Reiki Master This is a beginning to intermediate level, hands-on course on how to perceive and use energy as a functioning part of your massage practice. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20. Click here for more information.
Dates: June 17th Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Plug-in CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Deep Tissue Massage “Plug-In”: A Technique Tool-Box* (DT2) – 6 Hours by Ted Schulte
Basic Deep Tissue Massage techniques only get you so far in obtaining the results needed for effective and qualitative result oriented sessions. In this course, the participants will learn techniques they can have as tools in their “technique tool box” that will further the desired results, leaving a much more satisfied client. Ted Schulte taught
at Rising Spirit Institute
for more than 10 years.
He was instrumental
in developing their
Swedish/Deep Tissue
program as well as developing
some of their instructors
from some of his students.
He was their first recipient
of the “Excellence in
Massage Therapy Education”
award in 2000. He has
a passion for helping
people and has a successful
massage practice, in
two locations, in Marietta,
Dates: Saturday, June 23rd - Sunday, June 24th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Upper Body CEU's: 12 Price: $165 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy- Upper Body This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Golfer's/Tennis Elbow, Piriformis Syndrome, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. CLASS FULL! |
Dates: Monday, July 9th through Tuesday, July 10th Times: 9:00 am -4:00 pm Class: Seated Chair Massage CEU's: 12 Price:$189 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday REMINDER: CEU's are due by the end of October. There is an opportunity to apply for an extension with the massage board. This course is intended to help those looking for CEU classes during the extension period and for those simply interested in the material. |
Build Your Business using CHAIR MASSAGE Do you want to learn a style of Seated Massage that is easy on your body? How about a style that is therapeutic as well as relaxing to the client? This course teaches you how to do more in your session without making you work harder.
Carl Christie has been
doing Seated Massage
all over Atlanta since
1997. He was first taught
chair massage by David
Palmer – the “Father”
of chair massage, but
has since moved past
that early form to bring
you something much more
effective. He has combined
his knowledge as an
anatomy instructor with
his skills as a Neuromuscular
Therapy instructor to
develop a style of seated
massage that is quick,
effective and easy on
your body. This course includes the cost of the course manual. We carry and recommend Stronglite ErgoPro massage chairs. Price: $349 |
Dates: Saturday, July 21st - Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $179 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Psuedo Sciatica, Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451292-10 CLASS FULL! |
Dates: July 22nd Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Add-on CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Deep Tissue Massage “Add-On”: An Advanced Set of Techniques* (DT3) – 6 Hours by Ted Schulte
PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/ CREAM FOR YOUR USE FOR THIS COURSE. Some physical conditions require a more comprehensive approach to treating the client’s body to get the healing the client is looking for. In this course, the participants will learn a set of techniques that will put the client’s body in positions that will allow greater access to areas that need treating. Ted Schulte taught at Rising Spirit Institute for more than 10 years. He was instrumental in developing their Swedish/Deep Tissue program as well as developing some of their instructors from some of his students. He was their first recipient of the “Excellence in Massage Therapy Education” award in 2000. He has a passion for helping people and has a successful massage practice, in two locations, in Marietta, GA. |
Dates: Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 1 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, August 4th - Sunday, August 5th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Upper Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $179 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy- Upper Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Golfer's/Tennis Elbow, Adhesive Capsulitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. CLASS FULL! |
Dates: Saturday, August 4th - August 5th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sunday, 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm Class: Oh No! Not Another Chakra Energy Class CEU's: 12 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Bob Heath - 21st Degree Initiate of Tibetan Kala-Chakra, Ava-lokitesh-vara (taken from the Dalai Lama), Vajra Kaliya, Reiki Master This is a beginning to intermediate level, hands-on course on how to perceive and use energy as a functioning part of your massage practice. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20. Click here for more information.
Dates: Tuesday, August 14th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 2 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Friday, August 17th through Sunday, August 19th, 2012 Times: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Class: Nurturing the Mother CEU's: 24 Price: $495 (Receive a $45 discount if you register before July 17th) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor. What to bring:
Claire Marie Miller Pregnancy Massage This course will be held at the Sandy Springs campus. With Claire Marie Miller Seminars Inc. Nurturing the Mother® Certification 24 CE, the student will receive 24 CE hours and be able to give a safe and effective pregnancy massage for all trimesters. Students will learn cautions and contraindications for pregnancy and postpartum massage, as well as be able to give a labor massage and labor support. Newborn and infant massage training will also be instructed. Students will be guided to teach parents on how to massage their newborn baby. The Nurturing the Mother ® Certification 24 CE seminar includes lecture, massage demonstration, and hands-on practicals. Students will also get to practice on a pregnant volunteer, following the Nurturing the Mother® manual written by Claire Marie Miller. The lecture broaches
pregnancy-related contraindications
such as pre-term labor,
pre-eclampsia, and DVT’s.
Massage and support
is also discussed in
correspondence to the
various stages of labor.
The books Mother Massage
by Elaine Stillerman,
Massage During Pregnancy
by Better Waters, Natural
Childbirth the Eastern
Way by Wataru Ohashi,
and Childbirth Wisdom
by Judith Goldsmith
are referenced. Finally,
basic protocols for
a newborn massage are
addressed, from Baby’s
First Massage, Loving
Your Newborn by Teresa
Kirkpatrick Ramsey. Claire has been in healthcare since 1972, massage therapy since 1979, and is one of the original NCTMB providers. Claire’s Nurturing the Mother® program has been a certification since 1990. For more information
on the Claire Marie
Miller Seminars' approach,
please visit our websites
Dates: August 19th Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Body Mechanics for Longevity CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Body Mechanics for Deep Tissue– A Refinement for Career Longevity (DT1) – 6 Hours by
Ted Schulte PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/ CREAM FOR YOUR USE FOR THIS COURSE. Deep Tissue Massage takes a toll on the length of a career as a Massage Therapist unless good and proper Body Mechanics are utilized during the course of the massage session. In this course, the participants will learn refinements in the body mechanics they have learned, as well as new ways of approaching the performance of their techniques for the more efficient delivery of the desired results. Ted Schulte taught
at Rising Spirit Institute
for more than 10 years.
He was instrumental
in developing their
Swedish/Deep Tissue
program as well as developing
some of their instructors
from some of his students.
He was their first recipient
of the “Excellence in
Massage Therapy Education”
award in 2000. He has
a passion for helping
people and has a successful
massage practice, in
two locations, in Marietta,
GA. |
Dates: Monday, August 20th through Tuesday, August 21st Times: 9:00 am -4:00 pm Class: Seated Chair Massage CEU's: 12 Price:$189 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday REMINDER: CEU's are due by the end of October. There is an opportunity to apply for an extension with the massage board. This course is intended to help those looking for CEU classes during the extension period and for those simply interested in the material. |
Build Your Business using CHAIR MASSAGE Do you want to learn a style of Seated Massage that is easy on your body? How about a style that is therapeutic as well as relaxing to the client? This course teaches you how to do more in your session without making you work harder.
Carl Christie has been
doing Seated Massage
all over Atlanta since
1997. He was first taught
chair massage by David
Palmer – the “Father”
of chair massage, but
has since moved past
that early form to bring
you something much more
effective. He has combined
his knowledge as an
anatomy instructor with
his skills as a Neuromuscular
Therapy instructor to
develop a style of seated
massage that is quick,
effective and easy on
your body. This course includes the cost of the course manual. We carry and recommend Stronglite ErgoPro massage chairs. Price: $349 |
Dates: Saturday, August 25th - Sunday, August 26th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $179 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Psuedo Sciatica, Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451292-10 CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20! |
Dates: Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 3 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, September 1st - Sunday, September 2nd Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class:Total Matrix Integration Systems: Thigh and Pelvis CEU's: 12 Price: $175 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Do you ever notice that you fix everything you know to fix but the client still does not get any better? In this class therapists will learn to asses muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia of the Lower Extremity. They will learn: Advanced Muscle Testing, Postural Assessment and Kinematics. Myofascial release techniques that they can apply to fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Short Lever Stretching techniques to correct the tone of the soft tissue surrounding the joints. This information will
allow the therapist
to get superior results
with their most difficult
clients. Therapists
will be able to use
this information Monday
Morning! Click here for more information.
Dates: Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 1 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, September 8th - 9th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sunday, 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm Class: Oh No! Not Another Chakra Energy Class CEU's: 12 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Bob Heath - 21st Degree Initiate of Tibetan Kala-Chakra, Ava-lokitesh-vara (taken from the Dalai Lama), Vajra Kaliya, Reiki Master This is a beginning to intermediate level, hands-on course on how to perceive and use energy as a functioning part of your massage practice. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, September 8th, 2012 Class: Assisted Yoga Postures from Thai Massage Part I CEU's: 6 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Camden Clay This 3-day series covers how to integrate Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage and how to integrate them into a massage therapy routine on the massage table and massage chair when applicable. These postures are generally performed with the client fully clothed on a floor mat. All techniques are the assisted stretching of fascia, tendons, ligaments and muscles at its best! Assisted Yoga is within the scope of Massage Therapy, focusing on connective tissue stretching which is very different from muscle massage. Expand your horizons! Take Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3 in any order. Dr. Camden Clay graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. He has studied Thai Massage for over 20 years, including 4 trips to Thailand studying one on one with extraordinary Thai Massage Masters. Dr. Clay has taught over 200 One-Day Thai Massage Workshops to Massage Therapists over the past 17 years. |
Dates: Saturday, September 8th - Sunday, September 9th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Upper Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $179 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy- Upper Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Golfer's/Tennis Elbow, Adhesive Capsulitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20! |
Dates: Saturday, September 15th - Sunday, September 16th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $179 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus.PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Psuedo Sciatica, Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451292-10 CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20! |
September 13th through September 16, 2012 Class: Somatic Emotional Release I CEU's: 24 Price: $795, Location: Gwinnett College - Lilburn, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Suite 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refund Policy: Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days prior to a class less a $100 processing fee.
The Upledger Institute / The Barrall Pre-requisite Workshop(s): CranioSacral Therapy 2 (CS2) Advance Preparation: To complement the material that you will be learning at the cours, Dr. Upledger suggests that you read SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, avalaible at Barral Institute, and Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury, available at Barral Institute . Also, to bette prepare you to learn the new material in SERI, we recommend that you perform at least 25 mouth work sessions (as well as receive at leastone complete mouth work session) prior to attending this seminar. Please remember that your participation is important and your attendance is necessary during lab and lecture. Supplies: During the course of the workshop some of the techniques practiced may require the use of gloves. We will supply latex gloves for use at the class, however, if you are latex sensitive please bring a box of an alternate material. Attire: Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans.) A light sweater is recommended because temperature can be difficult to control. Times: Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of class. A continental breakfast will be served until 9:00 a.m., at which time the workshop will begin. Subsequent class hours are 9:00 a.m. to approximately 5:30 p.m. daily, and the last day will meet from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Class ending times are approximate, and may run late based on class participation. Some participants finish by 5:00 p.m. and others stay as late as 7:00 p.m. each day, and slightly earlier on the last day. Please plan accordingly. Cancellation/Refund
Dates: Saturday, September 15th - Sunday, September16th Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class:Total Matrix Integration Systems:Torso CEU's: 12 Price: $175 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Do you ever notice that you fix everything you know to fix but the client still does not get any better? In this class therapists will learn to asses muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia of the Lower Extremity. They will learn: Advanced Muscle Testing, Postural Assessment and Kinematics. Myofascial release techniques that they can apply to fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Short Lever Stretching techniques to correct the tone of the soft tissue surrounding the joints. This information will allow the therapist to get superior results with their most difficult clients. Therapists will be able to use this information Monday Morning! PLEASE
EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, September 15th, 2012 Class: Assisted Yoga Postures from Thai Massage Part II CEU's: 6 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Camden Clay This 3-day series covers how to integrate Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage and how to integrate them into a massage therapy routine on the massage table and massage chair when applicable. These postures are generally performed with the client fully clothed on a floor mat. All techniques are the assisted stretching of fascia, tendons, ligaments and muscles at its best! Assisted Yoga is within the scope of Massage Therapy, focusing on connective tissue stretching which is very different from muscle massage. Expand your horizons! Take Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3 in any order. Dr. Camden Clay graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. He has studied Thai Massage for over 20 years, including 4 trips to Thailand studying one on one with extraordinary Thai Massage Masters. Dr. Clay has taught over 200 One-Day Thai Massage Workshops to Massage Therapists over the past 17 years. |
Dates: Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 2 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, September 22nd - Sunday, September 23rd Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class:Total Matrix Integration Systems: Foot and Leg CEU's: 12 Price: $175 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Do you ever notice that you fix everything you know to fix but the client still does not get any better? In this class therapists will learn to asses muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia of the Lower Extremity. They will learn: Advanced Muscle Testing, Postural Assessment and Kinematics. Myofascial release techniques that they can apply to fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Short Lever Stretching techniques to correct the tone of the soft tissue surrounding the joints. This information will allow the therapist to get superior results with their most difficult clients. Therapists will be able to use this information Monday Morning! PLEASE
EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, September 22nd - Sunday, September 23rd, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Advanced Spa Therapies CEU's: 12 Price: $179 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Scott Crewes - Advanced Spa Therapies This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. If you’re looking to enhance your career and gain valuable industry knowledge that will separate you from the rest of the crowed, than “ADVANCED SPA THERAPIES” is the course you’ve been looking for! This dynamic , hands on course, doesn’t just teach you how to apply products, but fills you with the knowledge of why certain seaweeds are more beneficial than others, which mud works the best to detoxify the body, and types of brown sugar glows that are easy and cost effective. Learn how to enhance your current business or to elevate your therapy to the next level. Don’t forget the HOT STONE MASSAGE. This is a must know course for any therapist that is committed to full body wellness. Scott Crewes is a 15 year veteran of massage therapy and an instructor for over 10 years. He brings high energy and fun to this 2 day 12 hour course. This course offers something beneficial for any massage therapist! Course includes: CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20! |
Dates: Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 Class: Assisted Yoga Postures from Thai Massage Part III CEU's: 6 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Camden Clay This 3-day series covers how to integrate Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage and how to integrate them into a massage therapy routine on the massage table and massage chair when applicable. These postures are generally performed with the client fully clothed on a floor mat. All techniques are the assisted stretching of fascia, tendons, ligaments and muscles at its best! Assisted Yoga is within the scope of Massage Therapy, focusing on connective tissue stretching which is very different from muscle massage. Expand your horizons! Take Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3 in any order. Dr. Camden Clay graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. He has studied Thai Massage for over 20 years, including 4 trips to Thailand studying one on one with extraordinary Thai Massage Masters. Dr. Clay has taught over 200 One-Day Thai Massage Workshops to Massage Therapists over the past 17 years. |
Dates: September 23rd Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Plug-in CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Deep Tissue Massage “Plug-In”: A Technique Tool-Box* (DT2) – 6 Hours by Ted Schulte
Basic Deep Tissue Massage techniques only get you so far in obtaining the results needed for effective and qualitative result oriented sessions. In this course, the participants will learn techniques they can have as tools in their “technique tool box” that will further the desired results, leaving a much more satisfied client. Ted Schulte taught
at Rising Spirit Institute
for more than 10 years.
He was instrumental
in developing their
Swedish/Deep Tissue
program as well as developing
some of their instructors
from some of his students.
He was their first recipient
of the “Excellence in
Massage Therapy Education”
award in 2000. He has
a passion for helping
people and has a successful
massage practice, in
two locations, in Marietta,
Dates: Saturday, September 29th through September 30th Time: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm & Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Swedish Massage: Back to the Roots CEU's: 12 Price: $150 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Ife Adaralegbe - Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Description of the class is this Do you think Swedish
Massage is only for
relaxation? Think again! Bring your sheets, lotions, and some cloths that allow you to give and receive massages as this will be a hands on day of massage education! Click
here for more information
about Georgia Chiropractic
Neurology Center.
Dates: Monday, October 1st through Tuesday, October 2nd Times: 9:00 am -4:00 pm Class: Seated Chair Massage CEU's: 12 Price:$189 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday REMINDER: CEU's are due by the end of October. There is an opportunity to apply for an extension with the massage board. This course is intended to help those looking for CEU classes during the extension period and for those simply interested in the material. |
Build Your Business using CHAIR MASSAGE Do you want to learn a style of Seated Massage that is easy on your body? How about a style that is therapeutic as well as relaxing to the client? This course teaches you how to do more in your session without making you work harder.
Carl Christie has been
doing Seated Massage
all over Atlanta since
1997. He was first taught
chair massage by David
Palmer – the “Father”
of chair massage, but
has since moved past
that early form to bring
you something much more
effective. He has combined
his knowledge as an
anatomy instructor with
his skills as a Neuromuscular
Therapy instructor to
develop a style of seated
massage that is quick,
effective and easy on
your body. This course includes the cost of the course manual. We carry and recommend Stronglite ErgoPro massage chairs. Price: $349 |
Dates: Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 3 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, October 6th - Sunday, October 7th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Cervical/Torso CEU's: 12 Price: $189 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy- Cervical/Torso This course will be held at the Lilburn campus.PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Whiplash, Torticollis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days.
Dates: Saturday, October 6th - Sunday, October 7th Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class:Total Matrix Integration Systems: Thigh and Pelvis CEU's: 12 Price: $175 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Do you ever notice that you fix everything you know to fix but the client still does not get any better? In this class therapists will learn to asses muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia of the Lower Extremity. They will learn: Advanced Muscle Testing, Postural Assessment and Kinematics. Myofascial release techniques that they can apply to fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Short Lever Stretching techniques to correct the tone of the soft tissue surrounding the joints. This information will allow the therapist to get superior results with their most difficult clients. Therapists will be able to use this information Monday Morning! PLEASE
EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, October 6th - Sunday, October 7th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Advanced Application of Sports Massage CEU's: 12 Price: $179 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Scott Crewes - Advanced Application of Sports Massage This course will be held at the Lilburn campus. PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Advanced Application of Sports massage is designed to enhance the skills and understanding of the massage therapist with regards to the field of sports massage. The information being presented has been compiled via various experts in the fields of Kinesiology, Sports Science, and Physical Therapy, Osteopathic medicine as well as Chiropractic and Massage Therapy.
Dates: Reiki First Degree: Saturday, October 6th and Sunday, October 7th Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Reiki level 1 CEU's: 12 per level Price: $150 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Karen Mann - Usui Reiki/Karuna Reiki®Master Teacher- International Center for Reiki Training Description: First Degree (Shoden) – Is the first step toward being an instrument of balance for yourself and others. After you are attuned to the balancing power of Reiki, you can use the Universal Life Force Energy to effect a positive change in all aspects of your life. Use Reiki daily, on yourself, others, your plants, pets, the food you eat, and even your automobile. Discover the unlimited power of Reiki. *No prerequisites exist for First-Degree Reiki. Second Degree (Okuden) – Classes being offered on October 20th & 21st |
Dates: Saturday, October 6th - Sunday, October 7th, 2012 Class: Subtle Muscle Testing CEU's:12 Price: $250 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Camden Clay Enhance your position as a muscle expert! Learn how to find weak muscles and make them strong within your scope of practice! Subtle Muscle Testing is a muscle palpation technique which quickly discovers subtle variations in muscle tone, between strong and weak parts of muscles. Strong muscles palpate firm, while weak muscles palpate less firm. This skill allows the Massage Therapist to focus his or her massage techniques where clients need them most, on weak parts of muscles! Most people, even athletes have significant weaknesses in their muscles. These muscles are not weak because the person needs more exercise. These muscles are weak most often because of disruptions in the movement of blood, lymph, cerebral spinal fluid, and/or nerve conduction. It is all about making space within the connective tissue! Making weak muscles strong clinically validates your Massage Therapy procedures. Your clients will be amazed! This course also focuses on teaching clients how to maintain improvement of muscle strength with self-help stretching and self-help massage techniques. |
Dates: Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 1 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 Class: Assisted Yoga Postures from Thai Massage Part I CEU's: 6 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Camden Clay This 3-day series covers how to integrate Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage and how to integrate them into a massage therapy routine on the massage table and massage chair when applicable. These postures are generally performed with the client fully clothed on a floor mat. All techniques are the assisted stretching of fascia, tendons, ligaments and muscles at its best! Assisted Yoga is within the scope of Massage Therapy, focusing on connective tissue stretching which is very different from muscle massage. Expand your horizons! Take Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3 in any order. Dr. Camden Clay graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. He has studied Thai Massage for over 20 years, including 4 trips to Thailand studying one on one with extraordinary Thai Massage Masters. Dr. Clay has taught over 200 One-Day Thai Massage Workshops to Massage Therapists over the past 17 years. |
Dates: Saturday, October 13th - Sunday, October 14th Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class:Total Matrix Integration Systems: Shoulder CEU's: 12 Price: $175 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Do you ever notice that you fix everything you know to fix but the client still does not get any better? In this class therapists will learn to asses muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia of the Lower Extremity. They will learn: Advanced Muscle Testing, Postural Assessment and Kinematics. Myofascial release techniques that they can apply to fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Short Lever Stretching techniques to correct the tone of the soft tissue surrounding the joints. This information will allow the therapist to get superior results with their most difficult clients. Therapists will be able to use this information Monday Morning! PLEASE
EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, October 13th - Sunday, October 14th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $189 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus.PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Psuedo Sciatica, Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451292-10
Dates: Reiki First Degree: Saturday, October 13th and Sunday, October 14th Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Reiki level 1 CEU's: 12 per level Price: $150 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday |
Karen Mann - Usui Reiki/Karuna Reiki®Master Teacher- International Center for Reiki Training Description: First Degree (Shoden) – Is the first step toward being an instrument of balance for yourself and others. After you are attuned to the balancing power of Reiki, you can use the Universal Life Force Energy to effect a positive change in all aspects of your life. Use Reiki daily, on yourself, others, your plants, pets, the food you eat, and even your automobile. Discover the unlimited power of Reiki. Please wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes and bring sheets in order to participate in the hands on portion of the class. *No prerequisites exist for First-Degree Reiki. Second Degree (Okuden) – Classes being offered on October 20th & 21st |
Dates: Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 2 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 Class: Assisted Yoga Postures from Thai Massage Part II CEU's: 6 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday |
Dr. Camden Clay This 3-day series covers how to integrate Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage and how to integrate them into a massage therapy routine on the massage table and massage chair when applicable. These postures are generally performed with the client fully clothed on a floor mat. All techniques are the assisted stretching of fascia, tendons, ligaments and muscles at its best! Assisted Yoga is within the scope of Massage Therapy, focusing on connective tissue stretching which is very different from muscle massage. Expand your horizons! Take Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3 in any order. Dr. Camden Clay graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. He has studied Thai Massage for over 20 years, including 4 trips to Thailand studying one on one with extraordinary Thai Massage Masters. Dr. Clay has taught over 200 One-Day Thai Massage Workshops to Massage Therapists over the past 17 years. |
Dates: Saturday, October 20th - Sunday, October 21st, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Upper Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $175 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy- Upper Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus.PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Adhesive Capsulitis, Golfer's/Tennis Elbow, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion.
Dates: Reiki First Degree: Saturday, October 20th and Sunday, October 21st Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Reiki level 2 CEU's: 12 per level Price: $150 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday |
Karen Mann - Usui Reiki/Karuna Reiki®Master Teacher- International Center for Reiki Training Description: Second Degree (Okuden) – Magnifies the power of Reiki. Here you will learn how to channel four times the amount of Reiki energy during a treatment. By bringing in more energy, you are able to effect a much more positive change more rapidly. Second-Degree includes special techniques for balancing the mental and emotional bodies along with the physical body. You will also learn how to use Reiki from a distance, when you are unable to physically be present. |
Dates: Saturday, October 20th - Sunday, October 21st Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class:Total Matrix Integration Systems: Torso CEU's: 12 Price: $175 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Do you ever notice that you fix everything you know to fix but the client still does not get any better? In this class therapists will learn to asses muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia of the Lower Extremity. They will learn: Advanced Muscle Testing, Postural Assessment and Kinematics. Myofascial release techniques that they can apply to fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Short Lever Stretching techniques to correct the tone of the soft tissue surrounding the joints. This information will allow the therapist to get superior results with their most difficult clients. Therapists will be able to use this information Monday Morning! PLEASE
EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Saturday, October 20th - 21st Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sunday, 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm Class: Oh No! Not Another Chakra Energy Class CEU's: 12 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday |
Bob Heath - 21st Degree Initiate of Tibetan Kala-Chakra, Ava-lokitesh-vara (taken from the Dalai Lama), Vajra Kaliya, Reiki Master This is a beginning to intermediate level, hands-on course on how to perceive and use energy as a functioning part of your massage practice. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 20. Click here for more information.
Dates: Sunday, October 21ST Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Class:Deep Tissue Massage Add-on CEU's: 6 Price: $120 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday
Deep Tissue Massage “Add-On”: An Advanced Set of Techniques* (DT3) – 6 Hours by Ted Schulte
Some physical conditions require a more comprehensive approach to treating the client’s body to get the healing the client is looking for. In this course, the participants will learn a set of techniques that will put the client’s body in positions that will allow greater access to areas that need treating. Ted Schulte taught at Rising Spirit Institute for more than 10 years. He was instrumental in developing their Swedish/Deep Tissue program as well as developing some of their instructors from some of his students. He was their first recipient of the “Excellence in Massage Therapy Education” award in 2000. He has a passion for helping people and has a successful massage practice, in two locations, in Marietta, GA. |
Dates: Monday, October 22nd, 2012 8:30AM - 5:30PM Class: The Art of Japanese Zen Facial Massage with Ear Acupressure and Essential Aromatherapy Oils CEU's: 8 (Also approved for Acupuncturists) Price: $100 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday |
Wolfgang Luckmann THE
PROV # 279778-00 - AND
THERAPY, PROV # 50-1674
FOR ACUPUNCTURISTS Japanese Facial Massage
is a unique method that
focuses on a blend of
the aesthetic and physiological 1. Increasing the flow
of oxygen and blood
to the facial area,
neck and shoulders Traditionally , through the use of Acupressure and special manipulative massage strokes, the treatment goes beyond Swedish massage and concentrates on opening up the acupuncture meridians that energize the face, head and shoulders to achieve a balancing and grounding effect. Additional physiological relief is obtained for all types of headaches , TMJ DYSFUNCTIONS , ADDHD/HYPERACTIVITY ,sinusitis and emotional balancing.
WILL LEARN : Click here for more information on Wolfgang Luckmann |
Dates: Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012 Times: Tuesday Evening, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Class: Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix - Session 3 CEU's: 4 Price: $99 ($50 discount when you register for all three sessions) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday NCBTMB Certified. Provider number 450713-08 |
Dr. Marc Ellis, Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center Total Matrix Integration Systems: Enter the Matrix Do you want to facilitate more healing for your clients and use less energy? Do you want to have a better understanding of how energy/force is transferred through the musculoskeletal system? Do you want to learn better biomechanics to extend your longevity as a therapist? Total Matrix Integration is about learning how to energetically balance yourself as you impact multiple systems via fascial manipulation. You will learn how to transfer force from your fingertips all the way down to your toes and then how to transfer that force from the ground back up into your client. This will make you a conduit for force transference and help you to conserve your own energy. You will also learn how to feel energy/force transfer through your clients' bodies to quickly and effectively locate their blocked biomechanics. Once you are able to feel how force is moving through your client's body, you will be able to apply massage techniques that facilitate proper function. This class will teach you the most advanced applications of biomechanics combining thousands of years of knowledge from the martial arts with the most modern understanding of kinetic chains. You will become more clinically intuitive than you imagined possible! Dr. Ellis is a 4th Degree Black Belt and head instructor in SaJiDo. He has been involved in martial arts for over 25 years and has taught martial arts to students from all across the globe. He is a Neuromuscular therapist with over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in the massage field. Dr. Ellis is also a chiropractor with a specialty in functional neurology. Dr. Ellis is an associate professor with the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and is an internationally renowned lecturer in the field of neurology. This class will benefit any bodyworker; no matter how long you have been in practice or what style of massage you practice. See you in the Matrix! PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Click here for more information.
Dates: Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 Class: Assisted Yoga Postures from Thai Massage Part III CEU's: 6 Price: $125 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Time: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday |
Dr. Camden Clay This 3-day series covers how to integrate Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage and how to integrate them into a massage therapy routine on the massage table and massage chair when applicable. These postures are generally performed with the client fully clothed on a floor mat. All techniques are the assisted stretching of fascia, tendons, ligaments and muscles at its best! Assisted Yoga is within the scope of Massage Therapy, focusing on connective tissue stretching which is very different from muscle massage. Expand your horizons! Take Assisted Yoga Postures From Thai Massage Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3 in any order. Dr. Camden Clay graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. He has studied Thai Massage for over 20 years, including 4 trips to Thailand studying one on one with extraordinary Thai Massage Masters. Dr. Clay has taught over 200 One-Day Thai Massage Workshops to Massage Therapists over the past 17 years. |
Dates: Saturday, October 27th - Sunday, October 28th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $189 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus.PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Psuedo Sciatica, Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451292-10
Dates: Saturday, October 27th - Sunday, October 28th Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am -1:00 pm Class:Total Matrix Integration Systems: Advanced Body Mechanics CEU's: 12 Price: $189 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday |
Joseph Marazio - Chiropractic Neurology Center Do You get Pain in your Hands and Back from doing Massage? Do Feel Tired after Working All Day? If you had more Endurance would you be able to help more Clients? This class will combine Thousand of years of Body Mechanics training from the Martial Arts and Body Work to help you use less energy and get better results. Therapists will learn how line up their body with the client to be stronger and focus their force to facilitate healing in their clients. Attendees will also learn unique techniques to cause relaxation and angles to press on tissues to make them relax faster. Joseph Marrazio has been a personal student of Dr. Marc Ellis for the past 17yrs. He has Earned a 2nd Degree Black Belt in SaJiDo and Graduated from Gwinnett College's Massage Program. He is an expert in Body Mechanics and will help attendees of this class to improve their Massage skills so they can stay in practice longer, have less pain while massaging and get faster results. Be ready for a great weekend of Education and Massage!! PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. |
Dates: November 1st through November 4th Class: Craniosacral Therapy 1 (CS1) CEU's: 24 Price: $795, register before September 1, 2012 to receive a $200 discount. Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refund Policy: Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days prior to a class less a $100 processing fee. REMINDER: CEU's are due by the end of October. There is an opportunity to apply for an extension with the massage board. This course is intended to help those looking for CEU classes during the extension period and for those simply interested in the material. |
The Upledger Institute Pre-requisite Workshop(s): Professional healthcare practitioner, student in healthcare program or graduate of awaiting licensure/accreditation. If you have never experienced CranioSacral Therapy for yourself, it is recommended, but not required, that you have a session prior to class. This will help you gain valuable insights into how the technique works and what its effects are on the body. To find a CranioSacral Therapy practitioner, go to . Advance Preparation:The required reading for this course is CranioSacral Therapy by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, Chapters 1-6 available at Barral. In addition to the required reading, please know the definition and/or location of the anatomical terms available at Upledger before the start of the class. The majority can be found in CranioSacral Therapy and Netter Anatomy: Atlas of the Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, MD, which is available at Barral. Supplies: Attire: Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans.) A light sweater is recommended because temperature can be difficult to control. Also, you may want to bring a 2 piece bathing suite or jog bra and shorts for labs. You will receive a study guide upon sign-in on the first morning so please bring something to write with for taking notes. We will provide massage tables, however, please bring sheets each day. Times: Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of class. A continental breakfast will be served until 9:00 a.m., at which time the workshop will begin. Subsequent class hours are 9:00 a.m. to approximately 5:30 p.m. daily, and the last day will meet from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Class ending times are approximate, and may run late based on class participation. Cancellation/Refund
Dates: Saturday, November 3rd through Sunday, November 4th Times: 9:00 am -4:00 pm Class: Seated Chair Massage CEU's: 12 Price:$189 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday REMINDER: CEU's are due by the end of October. There is an opportunity to apply for an extension with the massage board. This course is intended to help those looking for CEU classes during the extension period and for those simply interested in the material. |
Build Your Business using CHAIR MASSAGE Do you want to learn a style of Seated Massage that is easy on your body? How about a style that is therapeutic as well as relaxing to the client? This course teaches you how to do more in your session without making you work harder.
Carl Christie has been
doing Seated Massage
all over Atlanta since
1997. He was first taught
chair massage by David
Palmer – the “Father”
of chair massage, but
has since moved past
that early form to bring
you something much more
effective. He has combined
his knowledge as an
anatomy instructor with
his skills as a Neuromuscular
Therapy instructor to
develop a style of seated
massage that is quick,
effective and easy on
your body. This course includes the cost of the course manual. We carry and recommend Stronglite ErgoPro massage chairs. Price: $349 |
Dates: Saturday, November 3rd - Sunday, November 4th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Cervical/TorsoExtremities CEU's: 12 Price: $189 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor. REMINDER: CEU's are due by the end of October. There is an opportunity to apply for an extension with the massage board. This course is intended to help those looking for CEU classes during the extension period and for those simply interested in the material.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy- Cervical/Torso This course will be held at the Lilburn campus.PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Whiplash, Torticollis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days.
Dates: Reiki Second Degree: Saturday, November 10th and Sunday, November 11th Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Reiki level 2 CEU's: 12 per level Price: $150 Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor. |
Karen Mann - Usui Reiki/Karuna Reiki®Master Teacher- International Center for Reiki Training Description: Second Degree (Okuden) – Magnifies the power of Reiki. Here you will learn how to channel four times the amount of Reiki energy during a treatment. By bringing in more energy, you are able to effect a much more positive change more rapidly. Second-Degree includes special techniques for balancing the mental and emotional bodies along with the physical body. You will also learn how to use Reiki from a distance, when you are unable to physically be present. |
Dates: Saturday, December 1st - Sunday, December 2nd, 2012 Times: Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sunday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Class: Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities CEU's: 12 Price: $189 Location: Gwinnett College - LILBURN, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Craig Knowles - Kinesiomuscular Therapy - Lower Extremities This course will be held at the Lilburn campus.PLEASE BRING SHEETS AND LOTION/CREAM EACH DAY. DO NOT BRING OIL BASED PRODUCTS. The basis of this program is to learn to treat muscles in their plane of action. This course teaches how to merge passive range of motion with your massage techniques allowing relief from pain in one visit.This technique helps in breaking apart adhesions and scar tissue that limit muscle flexiblity and length. By including ROM with treatment you will be able to use less pressure and get the desired results. We will be covering common muscular injuries such as Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Psuedo Sciatica, Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, among others. This course will be 12 hours and cover two days. Please wear shorts and tank tops or other loose fitting clothes to be able to participate in the hands on portion. NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451292-10
Dates: Saturday, December 15th - Sunday, December16th, 2012 Times: Saturday, 8:00 am - 5:30 pm; Sunday, 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Class:Kinesio Taping Certification Courses I & II CEU's: 16 Price: KT 1 & 2 - $569 (Save $50 if you register before November 15th) KT 1, 2, & 3 - $799 (Save $80 if you register before November 15th) KT 1, 2, 3, & 4 - $1089 (Save $110 if you register before November 15th) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste. 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refund Policy: One month prior to class, full refund minus 10%. Within one month from class 50% refund. Within one week NO REFUND.
Dr. Pete Pfannerstill, Ph.D., LMT, CKTI This course will be held at the Sandy Springs campus. KTI - Fundamental Concepts (KT1 & KT2 must be taken together) (16 CE) Course # 20-296280 (Includes KT1 & KT2) The Kinesio Taping I portion of this course is designed to introduce practitioners to the concepts of Kinesio Taping. It covers five major physiological systems; skin, muscle, fascia, circulatory/lymphatic, and joint. This course features hands-on sessions top practice Kinesio Taping applictions. The completion of this section will prepare attendees to relax overuse syndrome, stimulate weak muscles, and decrease pain and swelling. KT2 – Advanced Concepts and Corrective Techniques (Prerequisite: KT1) The Kinesio Taping 2 section of this course builds on Kinesio Taping 1. The course covers the six corrective techniques - mechanical, functional, space, fascia, ligament/tendon, and lymphatic. The course features hands-on sessions to practice more KTM applications. Completion of this section will prepare attendees to apply the Kinesio Taping Method to orthopedic and neurologic conditions. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 25! |
Dates: Saturday, January 26 - Sunday, January 27th, 2013 Times: Saturday, 8:00 am - 5:30 pm; Sunday, 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Class:Kinesio Taping Certification Courses I & II CEU's: 16 Price: KT 1 & 2 - $569 (Save $50 if you register before November 15th) KT 1, 2, & 3 - $799 (Save $80 if you register before November 15th) KT 1, 2, 3, & 4 - $1089 (Save $110 if you register before November 15th) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste. 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refund Policy: One month prior to class, full refund minus 10%. Within one month from class 50% refund. Within one week NO REFUND.
Dr. Pete Pfannerstill, Ph.D., LMT, CKTI This course will be held at the Sandy Springs campus. KTI - Fundamental Concepts (KT1 & KT2 must be taken together) (16 CE) Course # 20-296280 (Includes KT1 & KT2) The Kinesio Taping I portion of this course is designed to introduce practitioners to the concepts of Kinesio Taping. It covers five major physiological systems; skin, muscle, fascia, circulatory/lymphatic, and joint. This course features hands-on sessions top practice Kinesio Taping applictions. The completion of this section will prepare attendees to relax overuse syndrome, stimulate weak muscles, and decrease pain and swelling. KT2 – Advanced Concepts and Corrective Techniques (Prerequisite: KT1) The Kinesio Taping 2 section of this course builds on Kinesio Taping 1. The course covers the six corrective techniques - mechanical, functional, space, fascia, ligament/tendon, and lymphatic. The course features hands-on sessions to practice more KTM applications. Completion of this section will prepare attendees to apply the Kinesio Taping Method to orthopedic and neurologic conditions. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 25! |
Dates: May 9th through May 12th, 2013 Class: Lymphatic Drainage Therapy I (LDT1) CEU's: 24 Price: $795, register before March 9th, 2012to receive a $200 discount. Location: Gwinnett College -Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refund Policy: Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days prior to a class less a $100 processing fee. |
The Upledger Institute / Chikly Institute Pre-requisite Workshop(s): Professional healthcare practitioner, student in healthcare program or graduate of awaiting licensure/accreditation. Advance Preparation: LDT1: The required reading for this course is Silent Waves, Theory and Practice of Lymphatic Drainage by Bruno Chikly, MD, All of Part 1, All of 2; in Part 5 just chapter 1, and all of Part 6. This book is available at Chikly Institute . In addition to the required reading, please know the definition and/or location of the anatomical terms available at Chikly Institute . Supplies: Attire: Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans.) A light sweater is recommended because temperature can be difficult to control. Also, you may want to bring a 2 piece bathing suite or jog bra and shorts for labs. You will receive a study guide upon sign-in on the first morning so please bring something to write with for taking notes. We will provide massage tables, however, please bring sheets each day. Times: Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of class. A continental breakfast will be served until 9:00 a.m., at which time the workshop will begin. Subsequent class hours are 9:00 a.m. to approximately 5:30 p.m. daily, and the last day will meet from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Class ending times are approximate, and may run late based on class participation. Cancellation/Refund
Dates: Friday, July 19th through Sunday, July 21st, 2013 Times: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Class: Fertility Massage Specialist Certification CEU's: 24 Price: $495 (Receive a $45 discount if you register before June 19th) Location: Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs, 6690 Roswell Road, Ste 2200, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor. |
Claire Marie Miller Fertility Massage Specialist CERTIFICATION This course will be held at the Sandy Springs campus. Now a stand alone certification training, this course is an extension of the fertility massage protocol taught within the primary Nurturing the Mother® massage training. Following years of demonstration models who conceived shortly after receiving a fertility massage during the workshop, this course expanded into a multi-faceted approach to a very emotional and personal journey. This course provides training in all aspects of the conception process, including how massage can enhance the success rates of pregnancy. You will learn to assist the client in reclaiming her reproductive body and her sacred sexuality on the journey to motherhood. Some of our happiest success stories: Sally Raspberry, NC LBMT has report in the summer of 2010, 4 out of 5 of her fertility clients had conceived Lynette Ivanov of Lincoln, NE conceived the night of her fertility massage after three years of trying to get pregnant Cinthy Getz Harner of Winchester, VA conceived after many years of trying within one menstrual cycle. Ann-Marie Dameron of Kannapolis, NC successfully supported 10 out of 12 women using fertility massage techniques. The MOM spa in Charleston, SC has reported over 30 successful conceptions (full term and healthy babies). In this course you will learn:
Certification Requirements:
Dates: Thursday, August 1st through Saturday, August 3rd, 2013 Times: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Class: Integrative Reflexology Certification CEU's: 24 Price: $495 (Receive a $45 discount if you register before July 1st) Location: This Course will be held at our Meridian College campus in Sarasota, Florida. The address is 7020 Professional Parkway East, Sarasota, FL 34240 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday at our Lilburn, Georgia campus. Refunds: No refunds within 2 weeks of class. If there is a documented emergency, you may transfer after to a later class by this instructor.
Claire Marie Miller Integrative Reflexology Certification This course will be held at our Sarasota, Florida campus. Integrative Reflexology is an evolutionary approach to the ancient art. This unique application is easy, and fun to do, without injury from over use of the thumbs. Claire’s background in Radiology (1972-1979) set the stage for her vision of the foot reflexology in a clearer anatomically based foot chart. You will need to bring: CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 15! |
September 12th through September 15th, 2013 Class: Visceral Manipulation I CEU's: 24 Price: $795, register early for large discount. Location: Gwinnett College - Lilburn, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Suite 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refund Policy: Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days prior to a class less a $100 processing fee. See a list of all of the Upledger/Barral classes coming up!
The Upledger Institute / The Barrall Institute Pre-requisite Workshop(s): Experience with sensitive, light-touch palpation Advance Preparation: To prepare for the course, we suggest that you read Visceral Manipulation, and review the Study Material. Supplies: Attire: Comfortable, loose fitting clothes. As many of these manipulations require an exposed abdominal cavity, we encourage you to bring clothing suitable for skin contact (lab clothes). Due to the nature of the work, short finger nails are required. Times: Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of class. A continental breakfast will be served until 9:00 a.m., at which time the workshop will begin. Subsequent class hours are 9:00 a.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m. daily, and the last day will meet from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Class ending times are approximate, and may run late based on class participation. Cancellation/Refund
Dates: December 5th through December 8th, 2013 Class: Craniosacral Therapy 1 (CS1) CEU's: 24 Price: $795, register before October 5th, 2013 to receive a $200 discount. Location: Gwinnett College - Lilburn, 4230 Lawrenceville Hwy, Suite 11, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contact: Jane Smith at (770) 381-7200 between 8:00am through 10:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00am through 6:00pm on Friday Refund Policy: Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days prior to a class less a $100 processing fee. |
The Upledger Institute Pre-requisite Workshop(s): Professional healthcare practitioner, student in healthcare program or graduate of awaiting licensure/accreditation. If you have never experienced CranioSacral Therapy for yourself, it is recommended, but not required, that you have a session prior to class. This will help you gain valuable insights into how the technique works and what its effects are on the body. To find a CranioSacral Therapy practitioner, go to . Advance Preparation:The required reading for this course is CranioSacral Therapy by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, Chapters 1-6 available at Barral. In addition to the required reading, please know the definition and/or location of the anatomical terms available at Upledger before the start of the class. The majority can be found in CranioSacral Therapy and Netter Anatomy: Atlas of the Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, MD, which is available at Barral. Supplies: Attire: Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans.) A light sweater is recommended because temperature can be difficult to control. Also, you may want to bring a 2 piece bathing suite or jog bra and shorts for labs. You will receive a study guide upon sign-in on the first morning so please bring something to write with for taking notes. We will provide massage tables, however, please bring sheets each day. Times: Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of class. A continental breakfast will be served until 9:00 a.m., at which time the workshop will begin. Subsequent class hours are 9:00 a.m. to approximately 5:30 p.m. daily, and the last day will meet from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Class ending times are approximate, and may run late based on class participation. Cancellation/Refund